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《世界2》网络版今日iOS上线 全民狩猎开启

"World 2" network edition iOS today launched a hunt on

2015-04-09 11:31:09来源: 4399

3D动作狩猎《世界2》手游网络版,《世界2:风暴帝国》今日iOS正式上线,游戏开放PvE、PvP、交易、收费、社交等完整功能,并将于今日12点在官网和APP Store同步开放游戏下载。 ▍超级BOSS军团,肆虐特洛斯 特洛斯大陆危险重重,如果不了解就贸然进入,迎接你的将是无尽的噩梦...

3D action "world 2" hunting Mobile Games network version, "world 2" storm Empire: today officially launched iOS, PvE, PvP, the game is open transactions, fees, social and other functions, and will be held today at 12 in the official network synchronization open and APP Store the game download. Super BOSS Army man, Tero, Tero, raging, dangerous, if not to rush into, you will be greeted the endless nightmare...

标签: iOS