新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古剑奇谭3》上架Steam商店 发售日期暂未公布

《古剑奇谭3》上架Steam商店 发售日期暂未公布

DLC, tan 3 shelves Steam store release date announced yet

2018-12-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

前段时间火爆的国产单机大作《古剑奇谭3》目前已经上架Steam商店,不过游戏的页面暂未公布游戏售价及发售日期。毕竟游戏只有中文字幕和中文配音,期待日后添加英文字幕让国外的玩家体验国外单机的魅力之处。 在此之前《古剑奇谭3》已经正式在官网与WeGame平台发售了,售价99元,如果有兴趣的玩家可以提前在Wegame平台和官网上购买,毕竟在国内的平台购买优惠的幅度要比Steam更大。 《古剑奇谭三:梦付千秋星垂野》是网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙自主研发的大型3D单机角色扮演游戏。本代作品进一步扩充古剑世界观,以写实唯美的风格描绘广阔的山川河岳,将久远的人情世故以全新的画面表现,带给玩家更贴近真实的游戏世界体验!

Recently a popular domestic stand-alone book "DLC, tan 3" has been put on Steam store, but game page temporarily not announced the price and release date. After all only the Chinese subtitles and Chinese dubbing game, look forward to in the future to add English subtitles for foreign players to experience the charm of foreign single. Before that the DLC and tan 3 "has been officially launch the website with WeGame platform, price 99 yuan, if they are interested in the player can be purchased in WeGame platform and website in advance, after all, in the domestic platform to buy discount rate more than the Steam. The DLC, tan 3: pay the century star hanging wild dream is net yuan SAN tang's Shanghai candle dragon self-developed large-scale 3 d single-player role-playing game. This generation works further expansion of DLC world view, a realistic aesthetic style depicting the vast mountains and river yue, the old in new ways of the world picture, to bring players closer to the real world experience!

标签: Steam