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Final fantasy 15 "animation" YiTing article "main visual figure and logo

2018-12-14 13:04:03来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix今日公布了《最终幻想15》衍生动画《最终幻想15 艾汀篇-序章》(FFXV EPISODE ARDYN – PROLOGUE)的主视觉图以及LOGO,该动画预告片将于15日20点(北京时间)公布。《最终幻想》DLC“艾汀篇”预计将于2019年3月推出,玩家将在游戏中见证艾汀对路西斯王国2000年的怨恨,以及他与六神的冲突。而作为DLC的补充,此次的衍生动画想必会透露更多的信息。来源:Gamestalk

Square Enix today announced the final fantasy 15 "derivative animation final fantasy 15 YiTing - PROLOGUE" (FFXV EPISODE came ARDYN - PROLOGUE) the main visual figure and the LOGO, the animation trailer will be released by 15, 20 points (Beijing time). "Final fantasy" DLC "YiTing article" is expected to launch in March 2019, in the game players will be witnessing a YiTing hatred right sith empire in 2000, and the conflict between him and nightfall. But as the supplement of DLC, the derivative animation will disclose more information. Source: Gamestalk

标签: 最终幻想