新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《狼人星球》嘉宾集体罢工,节目被迫停播


"Werewolf planet" guest on strike and program was silenced

2017-08-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

本来以为,嘉宾罢工节目停播这种“事故”在如今成熟度已经很高了的综艺界是完全不可能发生的事,然而事实告诉我:too young too naive!上周五,小编抱着一桶爆米花坐在电脑前等待着《WOW!WOLF!狼人星球》第五集的开播。万万没想到,中午十二点一到我却看到了这样的一幅画面。 嘉宾集体罢工,节目组全体被绑架,画风陡然一转,竞技游戏秒变吐槽大会!你们这是要搞事情啊!下面就让小编带你们走进这期特别节目。 人穷不是病,节目组穷起来真要命 据小编了解,这场吐槽大会的起因就是一个字! 试问!你见过任何一个冠名、联赞、行赞以及特约等等都没有拉到,全程无口播的节目吗? 狼人...

Talent show this kind of thought, the guest strike "accidents" in the now, was also a very high maturity variety is completely impossible thing, but the facts tell me: too young, too naive! On Friday, small make up carrying a bucket of popcorn sit at the computer waiting for "WOW! WOLF! WOLF planet" the fifth set. I have never imagined, noon twelve point one to seen such a picture. Guests were on strike and you're all abducted, painting style abruptly, competitive game second change poking fun at the conference! You're going to make things ah! Let below small make up take you walk into this special program. Poor people poor is not a disease, you're really killing me According to the small make up to know, the cause of poking fun at the conference is a word! Try to ask! Have you ever seen any one named, praise, praise and contributing to, fully without mouth broadcast program? A werewolf...