新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动视暴雪与Riot再次入围《财富》杂志年度最佳雇..


Activision blizzard and Riot again shortlisted for the fortune magazine's annual best employ..

2016-03-04 18:12:15来源: 4399

美国《财富》杂志在本周四公开了最新年度的美国最佳雇主百强排行榜,根据榜单内容显示,动视暴雪与Riot Games再次入围百强行列。 动视暴雪由去年的第96名上升到了第77名;《英雄联盟》的开发工作室Riot Games排名由去年的第13位下滑至第39位;产品在游戏业中得到广泛使用,并且...

Fortune magazine in the United States this week backtracking on the latest annual list of top best employers in America, according to the content of the list, according to activision blizzard and Riot Games again top finalists. Activision blizzard rose from last year's 96th to 77th; "Hero alliance" development studio Riot Games ranked 13th by last year's decline to 39; Products are widely used in the game industry, and...

标签: 暴雪