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妄想三国志前期攻略 玩家经验分享

Delusions of romance of the Three Kingdoms period Raiders player experience sharing

2015-07-17 13:54:51来源: 4399

《妄想三国志》有别于传统的卡牌游戏,如果你按照玩原来卡牌游戏的经验来玩《妄想三国志》的话,注定是玩不好这款游戏的。下面说下新手玩家容易犯的错误。 第一点, 如果是新手的话,一定会把初始选的S品质的三名主公培养的等级很高,而其他的武将不怎么培养。这种玩法其实是非常错误的。这款游戏的战斗是...

the delusions of romance of the Three Kingdoms "is different to traditional card game. If you follow the original play card card game experience to play the delusions of romance of the Three Kingdoms", destined to is not playing the game. The following is said to the novice players easy to make mistakes. First, if it is a novice, then, will be to choose the initial s quality of three tetrarch culture level is high, and the other generals not how to develop. This kind of play is very wrong. The game is the fight...

标签: 玩家