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《怪物猎人 崛起》轻弩和重弩实机演示公开

Demonstration of light crossbow and Heavy Crossbow in the rise of Monster Hunter

2020-12-16 15:22:29来源: 游戏时光

卡普空今日在社交媒体公开了《怪物猎人 崛起》的两种武器和新技能演示,本次公开的武器为轻弩和重弩。往期介绍传送门:【弓/双刀】、【太刀/长枪】轻弩视频地址轻弩是从远处发动攻击的射击武器。能够使用各种弹药,不管是以速射来连续攻击,还是状态异常弹的支援,各种状况皆可应对自如。本作新增的技能分别为“铁虫丝滑行”和“扇旋跳跃”。铁虫丝滑行:快速朝前方移动一段距离,同时按下按键可以使出切断属性的近战攻击。扇旋跳跃:向前方高处进行跳跃,在空中时可以进行射击。另外,还能在空中发射起爆龙弹并使其固定在怪物身上。重弩视频地址具备高火力的射击武器。相当沉重,拥有极高的攻击力。此外,还可装填被称为机关龙弹与狙击龙弹的特殊弹药,猎人可根据情况来灵活使用。本作新增的技能分别为“铁虫丝任意行”和“反制射击”。铁虫丝任意行:向摇杆选择的方向快

Kapukong released two kinds of weapons and new skills demonstration of "the rise of Monster Hunter" on social media today. The weapons disclosed this time are light crossbow and Heavy Crossbow. Light crossbow is a shooting weapon that attacks from a distance. It can use all kinds of ammunition, whether it's continuous attack with rapid fire or support of abnormal state ammunition, and can deal with all kinds of situations freely. The new skills in this work are "iron worm silk gliding" and "fan spin jump". Iron worm silk gliding: quickly move forward for a certain distance, and press the key at the same time to make the melee attack of cutting off attribute. Fan spin jump: jump to the front and shoot in the air. In addition, it can fire the detonator in the air and fix it on the monster. Heavy Crossbow is a high fire weapon. It's very heavy and has very high attack power. In addition, it can also be loaded with special ammunition called mechanism dragon bullet and sniper dragon bullet, which can be flexibly used by hunters according to the situation. The new skills in this work are "iron worm silk can move freely" and "counter shooting". Iron worm silk arbitrary line: to the direction of rocker selection fast

标签: 怪物猎人