新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最强工会Method三名成员 被暴雪挖走担任设计师

最强工会Method三名成员 被暴雪挖走担任设计师

Three members of the union by Blizzard has the strongest Method as a designer

2015-04-04 15:56:12来源: 太平洋游戏网

近日,史诗黑手首杀公会Method的公会主页上贴出了这样一则新闻:“再见Method,暴雪你好”。我们一起来看看吧。 据报道,Method的三名核心成员Scott McMillan (会长Sco)、 Matthijs Groot (坦克Justwait)以及George Georgi...

recently, epic hand first kill the association Method Association home page posted the news: "goodbye Method, Blizzard". Let's have a look together. According to reports, the three core members of the Scott Method McMillan (Sco, Matthijs, Groot (Justwait) and the George Georgi tank)...

标签: 暴雪