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副总裁克里斯·梅森退休 暴雪为其打造主题雕像

Vice President Chris mason, retirement Blizzard statue for its theme

2016-09-22 08:27:32来源: 4399

前不久暴雪副总裁克里斯·梅森(Chris Metzen)在官方论坛上宣布他将离开工作了23年的暴雪娱乐,退休回到家人身边。在最近暴雪为其举办了一场盛大的送别活动,并表示将专门为他在公司园区建造一座纪...

Recently blizzard vice President Chris mason (Chris Metzen) on the official BBS announced he will leave for 23 years of blizzard entertainment, retired to the family. In recent blizzard held a grand farewell for its activities, and said it would specifically for his park in the company to build a ji...

标签: 暴雪