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火影手游超影联赛NPL总决赛 触手主播包揽前四

NPL hokage mobile game super shadow league finals The anchorman of the tentacles scored in the first four

2017-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月17日, 火影手游最高竞技规格的超影联赛NPL总决赛打响,八位代表火影手游目前最顶尖竞技水准的选手向NPL-S1冠军发起了冲击。总决赛采用双败分组赛制,最终,十六获得冠军、静静获得亚军、蓝叶获得季军、小H获得殿军。 值得一提的是,这四位代表着当前超影联赛NPL最强实力的选手,都是触手直播平台上的人气主播!据了解,四位主播平日里一直坚持开直播打火影,并与玩家粉丝们交流探讨实战心得,勤学苦练取长补短,才有了今天在超影联赛NPL的总决赛赛场上一鸣惊人! 当然触手直播平台上的火影强者远不止这四位,还有许多的高手主播活跃在触手直播上, 作为手游直播第一平台,触手直播十分看重火影忍者这个超...

B on June 17, the highest mobile game competition and specifications of the super league NPL shadow finals, eight representative hokage mobile game is the most competitive level of top players launched a shock to NPL - S1 champion. The NBA finals with double routed packet format, in the end, 16 champion, runner-up stealthily, blue leaf, small H in third place. It is worth mentioning that the four represents the current super shadow league NPL strength strongest players, are tentacles live platform on the popularity of the host! It is understood that the four host who has been sticking to open live a hokage, and communicate with players fans of actual combat experience, study hard and complement each other, just had today in shadow super league finals in the competition of NPL blockbuster! Tentacles of course b platform of the strong live far more than these four, there are many masters of the host is active in tentacles on live, as the first mobile game live platform, tentacles live on naruto the super...

标签: 手游 主播