新关注 > 信息聚合 > 胡敏、缪永权确认将在WIPCON大会上发表演讲


Humic and Miu Yongquan confirmation will be in the wipcon conference: speech

2015-06-25 13:08:47来源: 天极网

与2015年ChinaJoy同期举行的全球数字娱乐IP合作大会(简称WIPCON)是与ChinaJoy同期举办的中国游戏商务大会(CGBC)的重要组成部分,即将于2015年8月1日在上海新国际展览中心相邻的浦东嘉里大酒店召开。 近日从大会主办方汉威信恒展览有限公司传出消息:北京青年电...

and 2015, ChinaJoy held in the same period the global digital entertainment IP Cooperation Conference (referred to as wipcon) is held concurrently with the ChinaJoy China game business conference (CGBC) is an important part of, to be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center adjacent to the Kerry Hotel Pudong, on August 1, 2015. Recently from the conference organizers Han authority permanent exhibition limited company news: Beijing youth power...

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